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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why I will no longer work for a corporate medical entity.

"  To summarize our meeting yesterday:

We discussed the dysfunction and resulting poor performance of the "Company" team, and your contribution to the dysfunction.  We also discussed several strategies to improve and some specific areas that need improvement which include but not limited to responding appropriately to requests from your "immediate supervisor",  interacting appropriately with all of your teammates, being a team player by supporting your team-mates, supporting the team’s goals and initiatives, not working against the team’s efforts to improve, embracing team and "Our Companys" decisions once they are made, improving service to the hospital, patients and community, face to face sign-outs, as well as improving the metrics which"Our Company" measures to assess the performance of the program.

You were to take this weekend to consider whether or not you are a good fit for the team, and will change behavior to move our team forward to improve our value, safety, quality and service to our patients, hospital, and wider community.

You have agreed to either confirm your commitment to the team’s success in all of its goals, or provide me with your 60 day termination notice by 12 noon on Monday 4/18/2011.

If you confirm your commitment to the team, but you behavior does not meet expectations, you will be terminated for cause.

Pathetic Corporate Toady, MD
Division Director             "

Dear P Corporate Toady and your eminences,

Thank you for clarifying my role within the company's structure and how I contribute to the dysfunction.  
I have had a few days to consider your kind and supportive words and I think I need to learn to embrace my dysfunction and accept it as part of who I am.  I realize that this will be disappointing to my supervisor, his supervisor, his regional director, the vicepresident for dysfunctional affairs, and the entire human resources squadron.

I know I am letting the whole team and Company down but I cannot continue to be a co-dependent conspirator for the cause. 

May your future endeavors bring it...

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